Councilman Betoy was born and raised in Sineguelasan, a small barrio in Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines. As an active council leader, and dedicated member of the community, he is in the game to tackle the bigger problem in town. Trash. Together Betoy and his men work collectively towards a cleaner and more healthier barrio.
When Rizzhel first arrived to the Philippines in 2013, it was clear that trash maintenance was not a high priority. There was no established system for trash pick-up, often times elders that needed money would pick up trash with the hope of donations by locals. When she arrived again in 2016, she saw one of the new trash bins parked down the street from her grandmothers house.
She plans to return during the Spring 2018 to track the ongoing progress of the project and to bring needed supplies to the workers. Make a donation to help the development of this film and to contribute to more positive the working conditions for these men.
Dagat Residents, 2016
The trash problems in Sineguelasan effect the lives of its locals in several ways. Many of the people that already live in platforms above water, suffer from flooding during the frequent bouts of rain. Local water is contaminated with waste and trash interrupts the flow of fresh water. This also effects sources of food, the amount and how safe it is to ingest food in the area.
Trash Bin #1, 2016
Two trash bins were constructed in January 2016 with funds distributed to the project. Betoy requested funds for the budget back in 2014, despite the wait, he was thankful for the opportunity to build the bin. When Rizzhel arrived in September of the same year, he mentioned that there was 70% less visible trash.
Mango Groves, 2016